The Importance of Science Fairs

One of the highlights of being a 7th Grade student at Wyndcroft is participation in our annual Science Fair. There are many benefits to being a part of a Science Fair. Here are a few of our favorites:

Open Level Inquiry

Open level inquiry is the highest level of scientific learning. With open level inquiry, students are given the opportunity to select a topic, come up with questions that need answers, and gather and synthesize information. This process culminates with a written report or presentation. Open level inquiry is exactly what happens when a student works on a science fair project.

Cross-Curricular Learning

Putting together a science fair project is much more than just “science.” The creation of the charts and graphs has students using their math and computer skills. Preparing the board with the visual presentation of their finds is the creation of a piece of art.

Presentation Skills and Social Development

The presentation of scientific finds, whether to their peers or to Science Fair judges, is an excellent way for students to enhance individual public speaking skills. When presenting findings, students are representing their work and explaining it to others.

Interest in Scientific Careers

For many students, the Science Fair is the first opportunity to really work in a scientific setting and see the results on their own. For some, this sparks an interest in exploring where the study of science can take them through their lives. Whether it is taking higher level science classes in secondary school or college, or even majoring in a scientific field, there is a good chance that the interest in these areas took root in science fair preparation and presentation.

Creativity and Expression

Science fair projects give students the chance to choose a topic of interest and to dive into that that topic for thorough research. The topics of study are as broad and varied as the students who choose them. The further development of questions to be answered and the building of the presentation board are all opportunities for students to express themselves creatively and show off their own style and personality.

Healthy Competition

Wyndcroft students have always loved a bit of healthy competition. Whether it is on the athletic fields or striving for the top grades in a class, our students thrive when they are working towards a goal and cheering each other on along the way. The Science Fair, even at the school level, is a competition. There are prizes for those that exceed expectations and may even lead to other levels of competition around the region.