Private Preschool Options at The Wyndcroft School

Building a solid learning foundation for three and four-year-olds in Pottstown, PA.

At The Wyndcroft School, the Early Education program is founded on the ideals of promoting independence, building confidence, encouraging curiosuty, and learning through play. Small classes and nurturing, supportive teachers allow our earliest learners to grow and thrive. Our Early Childhood and Pre-Kindergarten classes establish the foundations for future success and school readiness. Throughout the school day, our curriculum supports the energy that these early learners bring to the Marshall House. Daily routines include Morning Meeting, parallel and teacher-guided play, sensory-based learning stations, storytime, and a social-emotional emphasis on independence, kindness, and friendship.

Program Highlights

French Language Learning Begins

Beginning in our 3-year-old program and continuing through 8th grade, Wyndcroft students study the French language. For those that join our school as 3-year-olds, they graduate with 11 years of language learning. 

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On Stage from an Early Age

Class productions begin with our Pre-Kindergarten (4-year-old) students and continue through 8th Grade. By the time students graduate, they are confident on stage and speaking in front of groups.  

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How Old Must My Child Be?
All Early Childhood students must turn three on or before the first day of school and be fully potty trained. All Pre-K students must turn four on or before the first day of school and all Kindergarten students must turn 5 on or before the first day. However, if they show developmental readiness, the child may be considered for our program before the September cut-off. This will be determined by our Admission Committee following the child's classroom visit.

Inquire About the Admissions Process

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