With explicit instruction and ample opportunity for practice, we approach writing instruction as a necessary skill for success in life. Writing focuses on the writing we read in life; fiction, non-fiction, persuasive, poems, reviews, instructional, narratives, research, and for an audience of readers, not just the teacher. Writing about subjects important to them, students cycle through the writing process by rehearsing, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing their works.
- Literacy is explored with the use of a basal series and is reinforced through novel studies
- Reading comprehension further develops with literary genres, plot, conflict, characterization, making predictions, figurative language, author’s purpose, and making inferences
- Student writing includes imaginative and personal narratives, reader response journals, descriptive writing, friendly letters, and expository writing
- The writing process is used to brainstorm, collect information, proofread, and edit work
- Weekly spelling units enhance knowledge of phonetics, patterns, dictionary skills, and vocabulary
- Cursive handwriting is refined
- Writing instruction is individualized for each student
- Sentence structure, capitalization, parts of speech, and punctuation continue to develop
- Summer reading is assigned to provide continued growth to the reader and writer