* Required

Your donation, no matter the size, demonstrates your support for the Wyndcroft School, its mission, and its values.

Contact Information

Add it here and we will print it in the next edition of Wyndchimes.

Donation Information

Levels of Annual Giving

1918 Circle - $100,000+
Legacy Circle - $50,000 - $99,999
Non Sibi Circle - $25,000-$49,999
Visionary Circle -$10,000-$24,999
Trustees Circle - $5,000-$9,999
Head of School Circle - $3,000-$4,999
Founders Circle - $1,000-$2,999
Teachers Circle - $500-$999
Alumni/ae Circle - $100-$499
Contributors - Up to $99

The Annual Fund giving year runs from July 1 through June 30.

Thank you for your gift to Wyndcroft's Endowment Fund

Gifts to the endowment ensure the long-term financial strength of Wyndcroft. Your endowment gift in the form of a scholarship, an endowed teaching chair, or unrestricted gift will create a lasting legacy for Wyndcroft students for generations to come.

Thank you for your gift to the Kate Wunner Professional Development Fund

The KWPDF supports ongoing professional development and training for Wyndcroft faculty. This ensures that our students are receiving cutting-edge instruction in all areas of their educational journey.

Payment Options

I will be paying a charge of $ for months for an overall total of $ times for an overall total of $ times for an overall total of $ beginning with a charge today of $
Remaining payments will take place between and with the next payment occurring on

You can cancel your subscription by emailing skruger@wyndcroft.org or calling (610) 326-0544