Health and Wellness
The Wyndcroft School is devoted to developing the whole child in a safe, nurturing environment.
The health, wellness, and safety of our students is a high priority.
Full-Time Nurse
The Wyndcroft School has a nurse on staff full time. The nursing office manages the daily needs of all students and staff, including chronic and emergent. The open-door health office policy offers both parents and children the security that all of their needs will be met during the course of the school day. The nurse is present at all home sporting events and coordinates all state mandated screenings with the Pottstown School District.
Health Curriculum (Grades 1-8)
Students in grades 1-3 receive health education once every 6-day cycle. Students in grades 4-8 participate in grade specific topics during academic blocks throughout the year. Grade topics are listed below.
- Grades 1-3 receive education on physical, social, and emotional development as well as sound practices of safety.
- Fourth grade participates in a 6-week anti-bullying program run by the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit. A 12-week (DARE) Drug Abuse Resistance Education program through the Pottstown Police Department is completed during the year.
- Fifth grade health focuses on puberty and basic human reproduction.
- Sixth grade health discusses basic nutrition and the role it plays in health and well- being.
- Seventh grade health covers substance abuse, including tobacco, alcohol, and drugs.
- Eighth grade health deals with individual healthy choices as students approach young adulthood. Healthy and appropriate relationships, respect, and communication are stressed.
Safety Committee
The Safety Committee is comprised of members of administration, the School Nurse, Teachers, and the Facilities Manager. The Safety Committee members meet regularly to discuss safety and security issues, as well as evaluate and assess the building on a regular basis. The Safety Committee and Crisis Team work closely together to manage all campus related issues.
“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
-World Health Organization